Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sparrow Takes Flight

I know what your thinking, "oh great another blog," but before you pre-judge what you are about to read, let me tell you what makes this blog different; Me.

Now you're thinking, "Oh I've read that before," just as i know i have as well, but in this case I can honestly say that I am more like, and unlike anyone you'll ever meet. Still reasonably young, with two lifetimes worth of experiences. This blog will be an expression of my own soul, and how my past experiences have lead me to look at certain aspects of the world in which I live. I will use this, my own little web space, while not forsaking all other web spaces (and believe me when I say I do have others, just like everyone else who jumped on the MySpace /Face Book /Live Journal bandwagon), but this one is different, its mine and mine alone, and with it I will allow you an introspective glimpse into the world around me. A world filled with psychoanalytical commentary about music, movies, popular culture, sports, the Delaware community, travel, politics, and and just what I think is wrong with society, but more so, this dreamers opinions on how it can be fixed.
So with that I welcome you, and i know that once you start, this journey of voyeuristic prose will become more addicting then water in the Sahara; Thirsty yet?

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