Friday, February 27, 2009

Looking Back, and Glancing Forward...

They say you never will know where your heading, until you know where you've come from. Recently, in moments of self reflection, I've found myself contemplating my past as I run across shattered remnants of my days of misspent youth. Now, that's not to say that I regret my past, because I firmly believe that you should never regret your decisions, but you should learn from them and move forward, as every choice has lead you down the path that is your life. Had you not made some of those bad choices, you may not have been in the place and time that you were when you made some of the most fantastic memories. But i digress.

I am an avid member of MySpace, and from time to time, even I am plagued with friend requests. Lately, I accepted one from someone who looked like an interesting soul, and in doing so, became curious. This particular person could have been anyone really, more of a strange place, weird time kind of phenomena that occurs in this world, which lead me to realize some of the people in their friends list, are the same people that i used to hang out with when I was young and more stupid then I am now, and A lot less responsible then the person that I am today. the thing that perplexes me, is that these people still look exactly the same, and judging by the pictures and posts, they act the same too. It amazes me that none are in jail, or that more aren't dead from overdoses and violence, and it makes me long for some of the wild times I used to have, but grateful that i got out alive. I guess kids will do that to you, and in my thoughts I realize that i haven't lost anything, but I've willingly replaced those party times (I still have some from time to time) with very happy memories of my wife and my children, and they make me smile and laugh, without the fear of waking up missing my wallet, my spleen, or having a burning sensation when I pee.

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