Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gun Control for Babes in Toyland.

Why is it that whenever there's a cause to rally behind that could effect the nation in a profound way, a group of people, whom I will describe in a second, always seem to rally behind a cause they've done no research for, knowing that when they win and it don't turn out exactly how their convoluted minds have warped it, that they will be the loudest to complain.
From here on out in this post I will refer to them as "Babes in Toyland" or BIT's for short, because in retrospect, that's what they are. A group of childish self centered minds that have a clouded view of the way the world actually is, and have some fantasy as to how the world should work. BIT's can usually usually be found lurking in very select groups, and have a few identifying traits listed here in no particular order;

1) they tend to do some form of chemical substance considered illegal for recreational use, and when they do consume whatever substance is their substance of choice, they believe they are the greatest thing on earth, and are fully apprised of all the facts and nothing but the facts on every situation they want to discuss.

2) they are usually young and have never really had to endure the hardships that actually await them in life. this could be brought on by a few factors, but is primarily from living a very spoiled childhood and adolescent life.

3) they usually surround themselves with people who follow the same mold, but will follow their lead, only as long as they provide a use, whether it be the facilitating of a dwelling, the drug of choice, a ride, a job, or whatever.

So these BIT's in my life, have taken up rallying behind the new proposed ban on assault weapons. While I firmly believe in a persons right to bare arms, the proposed bill would permanently ban "Weapons specifically designed to facilitate war, and provide no use in hunting of any wild animals currently residing in North America."
This list of proposed weapons includes guns like Israeli made Uzis, AK-47's, M134a Vulcan (mini Gatling gun), AK-72's, M-16's, M-4's, Desert Eagle .50 Auto, and several others. Note that these guns already cannot be used in the United States outside of a Registered Gun Range, and could never be used for hunting, and therefore reside OUTSIDE of a citizens amended rights.

Now, although the BIT's do not own any of these guns, but do own guns in general, they see any attempt to regulate guns, that they discuss while high as a bad thing, because it means that they may not be able to brandish said gun to make themselves seem cooler ( and this promoting the EXACT reason why we need gun laws, RETARDS. )
Then, these babes in toyland want to try to spit their uninformed half truths as propaganda and rally other BIT's to their cause, which they normally accomplish with the use of whatever illegal substance they use to warp their own precious little worlds, and never realize that the actual world spends its time laughing at them out of pity, and as soon as someone challenges their notion with actual facts of the situation, they use stupid arguments to try and keep their fragile egos alive.

Take this public service announcement with more then a grain of salt people. If you read this and discover you are a BIT, its not to late to change. You can seek out a friend, a neighbor, or a colleague and ask them for help, and they will be more then happy to tutor you on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so you can gladly get you head out of your ass and start contributing to the REAL world.
To those who don't fit this category, It's safe to say you know someone who does, and although its enjoyable to laugh at them, sooner or later it just gets tiring,and gives you a headache. Pull this person aside, let them know, show them the signs, and hopefully soon, they too will be on their way to recovery.

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